πŸ‚πŸ weekend remnants πŸπŸ‚

Found this hand towel ages ago in Chicago and it certainly fits the weather we’ve been having lately.

Hello. Lovelies!

Autumn has officially arrived up here in the Northern Hemisphere, although temps and humidity are resisting. It’s not as severe as last year’s 90-100℉ September-October revolt, for which I’m most grateful!

All last week telly peeps kept talking about “remnants” of Hurricane this-or-that, and I kept thinking, That’s a fabric term! Use another word, like ‘dying’ or ‘remains of.’

It was like salt in a wound… but maybe that’s because it’s been so long since I’ve been anywhere near a remnants bin. Wonder if that’s why I’ve been diving into my scrap drawer so often. 🀭 Hmmm . . .

Speaking of which, I’ve been favouring a free multi-sized 3-dimensional pattern from Japanese Sewing Books.

You might want to watch her video. Where to fold & sew wasn’t intuitive for me, but easy once you’ve done one it’s easy-peasy.

Speaking of scraps, I’ve given myself permission to use some old cotton fat quarters. I’m definitely not a quilter, but I can whip up a pillow or a bag, so am taking a little break from refashioning to play around with “soft furnishings,” as posh folk might say.

Reminds me! P.O.S.H. is a shop in Chicago I used to pop into regularly. Wonder if they’re surviving . . . Well, I’ve just had a mooch through their website, they’re definitely still there, and online is as cheerful as the store. πŸ˜‰ Almost.

Have stopped watching telly for several reasons, primarily because the picture blacks out as soon as it turns on and cable comes up.Β  Or doesn’t right now.Β  Maybe the set has something against cable. Someone’s coming out in a few days to check everything out.

I set the schedule because I wanted a week to detox. Admittedly, I wasn’t watching much telly anyway, as local, state and national political parties’ adverts are non-stop. Mind you, some of them only slowed down after the last election a couple years ago.

Clock the remnant underneath the scarf, did’ja? πŸ˜‰

Meanwhile, I’ve rummaged through my crochet bag and finished a red washable wool scarf, and resurrected that turquoise acrylic blanket I started a couple of years ago. Putting all those pieces together is going slowly β€” I’m half way through the first two. πŸ™„

A second chance on that remnant… he-he-hee!

Am quite a fan of Lucy at Attic 24, but haven’t tried any of her blanketsβ€” can’t figure out how to substitute colours.Β  Do I order the pack plus my substitutions? This could be a mote point if Wool Warehouse again stops shipping internationally. Deep sigh. . . . .

Hate to leave you on that note, but the shower and my BritBox subscription are calling. I’m having fun catching up on all the “Midsomer Murders” and “Vera” episodes, and have already watched every “Jonathan Creek”.

Thursday will start October and Hallowe’en, so I’ll start diving into everything with Autumn colours or appropriate holiday mentions. Any recommendations?

Meanwhile, puh-leeese be safe and take good care ’cause you’re worth it. You’re special!

❣️     😘     😘     😘     ❣️

18 thoughts on “πŸ‚πŸ weekend remnants πŸπŸ‚”

        1. I do admit to a bit of lippy unless there’s a mask in play. Had given up mascara as being too hard to remove without using cotton pads. Did you crochet your reusable makeup remover pads? Would love to have the instructions!

          Liked by 1 person

            1. Thanks for the link – it looks good! All I need to do is hunt up some yarn… Sorry about your experiences with lippy. Assume blotting on a tissue doesn’t help the euwww factor. 😝

              Liked by 1 person

  1. All creatures great and small is shown again on Chammel5 on a Sunday evening. For a touch of something delightful I recommend The Durrells if you missed it and can get it somehow. I am thrilled to have discovered that i had forgotten some of the old Morse series and am enjoying them all over again. Doc Martin and Heartbeat are also good dramas!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for your recommendations, Cathy! I can watch “All Creatures” but they’ve been replayed so much over here over the decades I’m leaving them for a bit. Likewise “The Durrells” (but not the decades part!) as I’ve also read the books, which I enjoyed even more! Doc Martin I never cared for – I find him too dour. 🀭 and will have to look up “Heartbeat.” 🀞 And will start Morse from the beginning, in case I’ve forgotten them as you had!


  2. I think Black Sheep Wools generally list the colours in the pack and then you could buy them individually and substitute the colours you don’t want for those you do. If you know what i mean. Which blanket will you go for?
    We’ve been watching a remake of the old series ‘All Creatures Great and Small’. Very good and what I call perfect Sunday evening T.V. – as ‘Call The Midwife’ was – although it’s actually broadcast on a Tuesday. I watch it on catch up though so could watch it on Sunday if I wish 😁

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Golly, Lynn… I thought I made myself a note of which one I favoured but now can’t find it. 😱 I think it’s the foresty one, with lots of greens — am not a fan of all the pinks and rose and lavenders. But am not sure… But thank you for the alternative source, Black Sheep Wools!
      I didn’t know there was a remake of “All Creatures” and will definitely look for it! Thank you for all your great suggestions!


  3. Autumn has hit hard in the last week – a drop of at least 10C. My hearing has burst into action again and I’m very grateful. Sweater time!
    We haven’t subscribed to Britbox but can generally access the programs you mentioned. I love Vera as I can ‘location spot’ and try to recognise areas that I know from growing up in the North East. Enjoy autumn!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Definitely glad your hearing’s returned! Just realised… I don’t believe I’ve a single sweater! 😳 Am not a knitter, so will have to think about investigating sweater-type fabrics. . . . but now I think about it, they’re all poly synthetics. Maybe I could find a wool knit. That’s a thought! Speaking of Vera, and as you grew up thereabouts–is it always so dark? I always wondered if Shetland (the series) deliberately used dark filters when shooting, but decided they didn’t. Have wondered the same thing about Vera. “Enlighten” me?! πŸ˜‰


      1. It’s rarely bright and sunny – more often dank and cold, often rainy. I wasn’t particularly aware of the series looking particularly ‘dark’ so I imagine it’s true to my recollection. I haven’t been to Shetland so can’t comment on the islands but the North of Scotland is also frequently similarly bleak. Living somewhere where it’s mainly bright and sunny must be delightful 😎

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you for confirming my thoughts about Northumberland weather, Kim! Will continue to enjoy Vera and her typical weather. πŸ˜‰
          Aye, well… I’ve lived in both Florida (hot and very steamy 3/4 o’ the year) and California (semi-arid 3/4 o’ the year) but found I really missed the seasons. What I don’t miss are the extremes of each. But then I can most always find something in weather to complain about…🀣 πŸ’¦ πŸ˜† 🌀 🀣

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