Nana Cathy’s Monthly Photo Challenge

Chiming in with Cathy’s Monthly Photo Challenge this month – fences and post boxes – here are my contributions.

Here’s a black & white photo of a wooden fence during a snow shower. If you can see the white blobs that look like they’re painted on the darker wooden fence – that’s the snow!

This is the well-known Erie Canal in winter, and the metal fencing on both sides. Can you see how far down the water level is? Someone told me this is done every Autumn, but they didn’t know why. Maybe to reduce ice damage? Our past 2 winters have been so mild, there hasn’t been much danger of that.

I believe the lift bridges along the canal are closed during the winter, so maybe it’s to discourage boats from trying to sail. If anyone knows, do tell!

Now here’s a two-fer: A metal fence surrounding a “house” of metal post boxes, plus slots for out-going mail. The reason why it has a roof & looks like a little house is because there are 350+ mail boxes on the 4 sides, with the interior 2 sides completely under that roof.

Think of 2 rectangles, one above the other. Remember we’re talking a flat-lay drawing to indicate separation as in an aisle – one along side the other – not physically one on top of the other! There’s an interior aisle’s width between them and one roof covers both. There’s enough overhand on the outsides to give some protection from rain. Hope that helps with visualizing.

I do admire the glorious crochet and knit objects that jolly up so many postal boxes in the UK and elsewhere, and perhaps they exist over here, too. But mainly, we seem to have needed to protect postal boxes from those wanting to damage them and their contents.

Thank you, Cathy, for giving me a reason to troll through my shoebox!

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