February’s Virtual Tea Party

Welcome to our second 2021 Virtual Tea Party!

Amidst the stormy weather, we can carry on, because the tea stays hot & the food never runs out.

Cranberry Bread. I’ll post the recipe at the bottom, if anyone’s interested.

This month we’re having a scrumptious Cranberry Bread, chock full of cranberries and sliced almonds.

Although it’s not quite bready enough to toast, we can always put a few slices in the oven, on Low, and you can enjoy a crunchy version.

The other treat this month can be similar if you choose. Tea sandwiches with a spread based on non-fat plain Greek yogurt, with additional ingredients such as Worcestershire sauce, balsamic vinegar, and Dijon mustard, in a combination known only to my taste buds.

For those who might prefer a dip instead of a spread, I’ve toasted thin slices of homemade bread. There are also the traditional Jacob’s Cream and Ritz crackers, cheese slices and cherry tomatoes for garnish.

Shall we compare notes on who has managed to get a C-19 vaccine shot? Or exchange more recipes? It seems to me that my state and  county aren’t playing nice with each other just now.

Everyone’s trying to register with both, but nothing much is happening. Which isn’t such a bad thing, I guess, as  vaccine availability is so limited.

Hate to think we’re looking at another year of social distancing and wearing masks, don’t you?

Quick – let’s change the subject.

Su (Zimmerbitch) and I share hosting a Virtual Tea Party each month, around the 15th. Everyone is welcome to join in, write a post of their own, contribute a recipe, or just enjoy the party. You can also find us at #virtualteaparty2021 on Instagram.

Thank you for coming!

I have 1 loaf pan, so I halved the recipe.



9 thoughts on “February’s Virtual Tea Party”

  1. Thank you for the cranberry bread – I might have a go at that myself.
    The U.K. are doing very well with the first vaccine and are hoping to have the top priority groups done by the end of March I think. My age group is a little way down the list but I should be done by then.
    Keep well. x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You’re very welcome for the recipe – hope you & Mr. T enjoy it! Oh! Quite forgot to say dried cranberries are fine in this. That’s what I used, without plumping them in hot water first. You’re the best judge of whether or not they’ll need it. 😉

      When everyone here can get a vaccine is still very much up for grabs – people of all ages & locations seem to keep jumping every line they can find. If this had been laid out in a more planned way from the get-go . . . but it was ignored, so now the country pays the price in more needless casualties. 🤨 Thank goodness we can at least meet virtually!
      Glad to hear you’ve got better planning over there. Stay well, my friend. x


    1. Thank you, lovely! No power outage today and little icing of trees, etc., in this area. Now if we can get through tonight’s rain… All those dire scenes of what Texans are going through makes our worries seem both not so bad, yet fearful because we’re seeing how bad it could get.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the excellent suggestion! Am considering a rice cooker investment if it’ll make rice pudding!
      And no, I don’t recall any recipe that calls for smelling to adjust an ingredient. Sounds logical, considering it’s vanilla. 😉 Be over your place in a tic . . .

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I love my rice cooker. It sautés and slow-cooks too. Was my “holy grail” appliance until I got my Instapot-type pressure cooker. If you do look for a rice cooker, make sure it’s a good one. The cheapies don’t do the same job. You need one with fuzzy logic, preferably made by an Asian company because their customers won’t put up with crap when it comes to all things rice.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you can use the recipe, Su! You take care, too! We’ve been okay here, as temps haven’t gone nearly so low as in the Midwest & Texas. Be safe! xx


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