sunday sevens #35

all done but the hemming, which won't take long with machine
all done but the hemming, which won’t take long

Technically it’s more than a hair past midnight, so it’s really Monday, but let’s say it’s still Sunday, shall we?

Natalie, over at Threads and Bobbins, came up with the idea of Sunday Sevens.  Anyone can join in, and you don’t have to do a post every Sunday. Or Monday. 😀

Ali/Thimberlina sent a lovely pattern last winter (NewLook 6871, here), and I knew I wanted a very light weight cotton for it.

Enter Anne/Compulsive Seamstress and her suggestion that we trade some fabrics. Then add a few weeks for it to finally percolate through my brain that this could be the perfect cotton for that pattern.

It is!

I cut it several sizes larger than if I were doing the blouse, and used all the length of the fabric so it’s just above knee length. Perfect for really hot summertime lounging or sleep wear.

Left out the interfacing & lined yokes, did the gathers all the way across front & back instead of a section in the middle, and it is perfect! I’ll zip up arms & neck & hem Monday. Super huge Thank You’s to both Ali and Anne for thinking of me!

Now here’s the rest of the week, which has been packed, but not very photogenic.

Hope everyone is getting back into the groove of work after vacations! 😉

PS/ Monday – Josée’s original recipe is here & my printable version is here.

16 thoughts on “sunday sevens #35”

  1. Nearly got it Del, but we’re even lazier than that, us Yorkshire folk. It’d be ‘outa oven’ (oven pronounced uven!) lovely week, and as you’ve probably gathered in having a big catch up xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Your cutting table is looking full – you must be busy! I know you’ve been looking forward to cooler weather, so I hope you’re enjoying it. Baking season always makes up for the fact that it’s winter! Are you watchin the British Bake Off this year? x

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Welcome back from vac, Jess! Yes, have lots of things planned (fingers crossed), but our cooler weather is relative so I’ve planned linens. Compared to earlier, with temps around 105 and very high humidity, we’ve still got sticky humidity, but more moderate temps. My one bake got the air con going, so don’t plan anything else for the time being. But had to do something to mark official beginning of Autumn!
      Ah, the Bake Off. I’ve been watching, with dismay, what’s happened. Whatever seasons our PBS has already purchased will give us 2 or 3 more years of the original. No idea when they’ll start showing them. 😦


  3. Mmmm those muffins hot from t’oven (you must be from Yorkshire speaking like that!) look gorgeous. And your cutting table puts mine to shame….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks, Lovely! Afraid I’ve an affinity for accents & channel me gran sometimes, just because it “sounds right.” She got it from her parents, who got it from their parentss in Ayrshire… which I know isn’t exactly Yorkshire, but a lot closer to it than I. 😳

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s definitely Monday over here and I’ve only just posted mine! How lovely to have two lovely people to think of you and send gifts. Wish my cutting table was that neat….

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