details of a zest for sewing hands across the sea…

is it chocolate, deep and dark, rich and round enough to go without sweetening?

In addition to a love of chocolate ~ deep and dark, rich and round enough to go without sweetening ~ I have a zest for getting kindred spirits together.  And that’s what I’m doing today.

Sewing and crafting people all over the world seem to recognize each other in the friendliest manner, sharing a super glue of fabric, thread, and creativity.

I was talking with a delightful store owner in England (they have the best fabrics) and after we’d transacted our business and were chatting, I discovered they follow a store over here, and not just somewhere in the U.S. but in my state, less than 100 miles away. How coincidental is that!

As we both puzzled over how to pronounce the name of the small town where the U.S. store was located, I said I’d give them a call and find out. After locating and reading through their web site, I did just that.

And spoke to another warm and friendly person who answered all my questions, and was surprised to hear about the follower in England. We did a bit of information exchange, with hopes that both store owners would get in touch with each other.

As my new friend said, maybe they can give each other ideas, and talk about what they offer that the other one doesn’t, and share ideas that way.

Now it’s time for me to get outta the middle, give a brief sigh of satisfaction, and enjoy both stores.

What are the stores? Can’t say just now, but will post complete information soonest. 😉 😉

about that slice of 4-layer fudge cake . . .

You might see how little was eaten. And that was only because I was trying to decide what it was that made it so…. unappealing. Too sugary? Yes, but something more… Too artificial?? Definitely, but something else niggled. . .

Then it hit me like a dope slap: It did not taste like chocolate.

NOT TASTE LIKE CHOCOLATE, I hear you ask.  How could that be-e-e-e-e-e ? ? ?

So I looked at the ingredients… he-he-hee . . . and there were 2 listings for cocoa, definitely not as any main ingredient, from what I could tell. Well, I told meself, you kept tellin’ yourself you weren’t gonna like it, and you were right. How I wish I wasn’t.


Edits: Need to re-do that ingredients piccie so you can see there’s no cocoa in that top line – sorry!

Here’s 2 others, from top to middle.

didn’t know the ingredient list would be so important, or would have opened more carefully. i think the top line reads: “Contents: Cake (sugar, enriched flour, “


then the next line picks up what’s in that enriched flour with “(wheat flour, niacin, etc.

Submitted with seconds to space for this week’s WordPress Challenge, Ailsa’s Travel Challenge, & the fab four’s 52 Week Challenge.

18 thoughts on “details of a zest for sewing hands across the sea…”

  1. I would put more flour than cocoa in a cake but I avoid anything with that many ingredients! (LIke I only buy jam which says: fruit, sugar (& maybe pectin). Some have everything but the kitchen sink in there. Better luck next time buying chocolate cake. It looked okay. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ahw I’m so pleased you managed to unite two crafty shops, what a nice feeling to be bringing people together! Sorry about your dissappointing chocolate cake… luckily I have to read the labels for everything, so I usually know what I’m eating. I’m always put off by foods with a lot of ingredients. Especially if I don’t understand what the words mean! xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Well, don’t know that they’re united yet, as I’ve only just heard from the second owner. Now waiting to hear if they connect with each other. Wanted to wait for that before writing the end of the story, so to speak.


    1. 🎉 Aren’t I too cheap for words? Avoiding our outrageous post costs & going to the source… 😘 Enjoy, Lovely! And send those piccies ~ pleeeeze!!


  3. Think I know the English shop but how sweet of you to match make like that! Shame about the cake which looks nice enough. I don’t think I’d have been tempted to even try it though, after reading that vast list of ingredients – I don’t know what half of them are but I certainly wouldn’t put them in my cakes!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’ve ordered a few pieces, after checking shipping costs carefully. Of course, it helps if you have friends over there who volunteer before traveling over here, or friends-of-friends! 😉


  4. Two fabric shops! I can’t wait to hear who they are and how they are connected. Coincidence? Perhaps not, says I. The looks yummy, what a shame about the ingredients. ( I make a marvelous dark chocolate cake, btw. 😉 )


    1. Hope we’ll see your recipe posted soon – hint-hint! Monday afternoon is good for me & it should be cooler than this weekend… fingers crossed. 😉 Meanwhile, stay cool & in front of fans! 😘

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